Saturday 17 March 2012


    Pissing on the roadside.

Salivating if they see a white skinned girl.

     Not respecting others’ privacy.

   Asking for lakhs of rupees and gold and what not in dowry.

 Burning wives if they cannot bring the aforementioned.

  Pre-birth determination of gender of the unborn baby.

Not respecting traffic laws.

Shoving each other in the queue in front of railway ticket counter.

   Not paying sales tax.

Wasting money in making temples on every road crossing.

 Beating up innocent people in the police custody in the name of law and order.

 Burning churches and bringing down mosques in the name of religion.

Raping nuns.

Committing riots.

 30% of ur people live below poverty line & 40% people in your country are illiterate.

 In South India prostitution is still rampant in the form of Devdasi.

 People still go to witch doctor instead of psychiatrist if their dear ones’ are affected by Epilepsy.

 Hartals plaguing normal life every now and then.

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